Here we go again? Not this year!

Uncategorized Dec 23, 2019

Another new year is about to come upon us. A time when local gyms will be filled to capacity โ€“ at least for a few weeks. A time when many will go on a diet, again at least for a few weeks. Failed new yearโ€™s resolutions are so commonplace as to almost be comical.

While I am certainly not the master resolution keeper, I do have some thoughts to share that I hope you will find valuable.

For starters, make sure the resolution or change is something you desire, not something others may wish for you. You might know that it only takes one psychologist to change a light bulb โ€“ but the light bulb has to really want to change ๐Ÿ˜Š. Simon Sinek would encourage you to โ€œKnow Your Why.โ€ If you are about to embark in a new direction, you must have a firm understanding of why it matters to you. What will you gain from the change? Knowing this will help get you through the down times when your motivation is low. If your resolution does not truly move you, if you do not have passion and excitement for the journey, you will not reach your destination.

Another essential for successful resolutions is that you have a clear vision of where you want to be on December 31, 2020. Spend some time considering your life right now. You are multi-dimensional โ€“ physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social. What aspects are you pleased with and want to continue, and what elements could stand some renovation? Please do not rush this process. Time spent clearly defining your desired outcome will pay off in the near and distant future.

Many recommend you write out your vision or desired outcomes with as much detail and specificity as you can muster. You might also consider sharing your objectives with someone close to you โ€“ just make sure it is someone who truly wants you to succeed and not someone who might be jealous of your success.

And, lastly, though it was written way back in 2013, The 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington is still an excellent resource for productivity and goal accomplishment. In a nutshell, they suggest that focusing on an entire year is not an effective way to bring about change or growth. They suggest instead that you regard each quarter or 12 weeks as a whole year. They make a compelling case, which I invite you to check out for yourself.

So many resolutions fail because people attempt to take on more challenges than they can address successfully. You only have so much time and so much energy with which to do all that life demands. If you fill your bucket to overflow, you will likely experience far more failure than success.

Schedule some time to list out all the changes/improvements you would like to experience in the coming year. Then go back and prioritize the top two or three. Consider the changes that will have the most significant positive impact on your ability to bring about more changes later on. Focus on these chosen elements for the next 12 weeks. You might want to determine now which aspects you might focus on in โ€œyear twoโ€ โ€“ the second quarter of 2020. Or, you might want to leave that decision open for now to see where you are at in late March and then determine your choices.

No one ever said life or change would be easy. If they did, they lied to you. But with these key aspects of change management, you stand a lot better chance of sticking to your goals and seeing them come to fruition.

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Ron Price MA is the owner/operator of Productive Outcomes, Inc. He has spent the last 30+ years as a mediator helping people resolve their differences with others. He provides workshop training and presentations on a variety of life skills. For more information visit www.PlayNiceinYourSandbox.com or send an e-mail to Ron@PlayNiceinYourSandbox.com or call Ron at 505 324-6328.



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