Charles Dickens famously wrote, “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” Am I the only one who thinks we are currently living in the craziest of times? Opinions on the current fiasco we face vary widely, and I am not about to enter that realm in this post.
What I do want to focus on are some steps we can all take to minimize the impact of the Corona Virus on us individually, no matter what others may or may not do. I decided to write about this in a post devoted to CPR – Conflict Prevention & Resolution, because challenging times can negatively impact relationships at work, at home and everywhere in between.
First off, please fight the urge to panic. While we surely must take this virus seriously and exercise due caution, it might help to remember that in 2010 60 million Americans got the Swine Flu, and most of us barely remember that “catastrophe.” Again, please err on the side of caution, but I hope to share better advice than to stock up on five years worth